
SmartMasterTM manuals. View them, or download them. To download them execute 'Save As...' command.

User Manual

User manual, intended for users who use SmartMasterTM for monitoring and control of their distribution system such as electric power grid, a gas distribution system, or a water distribution system, but are not involved in changing SmartMaster configuration.

Administrator Manual

Administrator manual, intended for users who are also able to set up and reconfigure SmartMasterTM so it better reflects the monitored distribution system. It is recommended that the user manual is read before administrator manual.


Promotional flyer, a one page introduction of SmartMasterTM.

PowerPoint Presentation

Promotional PowerPoint SmartMasterTM introduction.



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  • SmartMaster is a SCADA platform which runs on a private server or in the cloud.
  • It provides services like communications, event logging, data viewing and analysis.
  • SmartMaster is based on Microsoft's SQL 2019 Server which provides industrial strength database services.
  • SmartMaster also uses SQL server modern security services, electronic notification dispatching, and reports.
  • SCADA component provides one-line diagrams and T-SQL compiler so operators can write their own programs.
  • Load Management component provides demand response, load state reinserting, and load rotation algorithms.
  • Capacitor Control component adds capacitor bank management based on any external parameter.
  • Capacitor Control component also provides safety control timers for capacitor bank protection.
  • NeXGen is our partner company Telescada's product line of RTUs and switches used by utilities.
  • BTE has co-developed NeXGen firmware, and associated software tools that go with the products.
  • Together with Telescada we offer a wide range of solutions for the electric, gas, and water utilities.
SCADA, Load Management, Capacitor Control, AMR
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